
Read about Art Intersection events, news, and special interest stories.

Advanced Digital Printing Workshop with Richard Jackson

This past weekend, we had the pleasure of hosting our Advanced Digital Printing workshop, led by Richard Jackson. In this intensive class, students delved into the art of dissecting their images, honing their skills in Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom to produce striking prints that are exhibition-ready and perfect for showcasing and enjoying in the comfort of their own homes.

Take a behind-the-scenes look at the workshop, and get a glimpse of the class as they refined their images in Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom, working towards producing remarkable prints and bringing their visions to life.

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Street Photography Workshop with Neil A. Miller

In the last month, we’ve hosted three engaging sessions of our “Capturing the Unexpected” street photography workshop, guided by the talented Neil A. Miller. Students courageously ventured beyond their comfort zones to capture life’s unscripted moments. Between sessions, they honed their observational skills in public spaces and meticulously curated their images to present a select few to Neil and their fellow photographers during the final session.

Get an exclusive behind-the-scenes glimpse!

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Picturing Resistance & With These Hands Opening Reception

Thank you to everyone who joined us this past Saturday for our opening reception for this year’s Picturing Resistance exhibition, as well as juror Ken Light‘s With These Hands exhibition in Gallery 4! Picturing Resistance captures the essence of decades of protests and demonstrations, showcasing how the collective voice of the people has the power to incite powerful political changes.

Emerging in a climate where the exploitation of American farmworkers, notably children, has made headlines in recent months, With These Hands arrives as a poignant reminder. Ken’s evocative photographs, taken in the 1970s, serve as an undeniable testament that the pervasive issue of child labor exploitation has plagued the nation for decades.

Both exhibitions are open to view in Gallery 4 at HD South in Gilbert’s Heritage District until September 30th, so there is still plenty of time to take a look before we transition to our next exhibition. In the meantime, have a look at a few moments from the opening reception!

Art Intersection is hosting a three-session Street Photography Workshop with Neil Miller this September, which will provide an excellent foundation for those inspired by Picturing Resistance and With These Hands to make protest and documentary photographs of their own!

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Exploring Photography for Teens — June 2023

After a couple years it was wonderful to host our Exploring Photography teen summer camp again!

Over four afternoons this week, instructor Lisa Zirbel taught our students the fundamentals of photography across both digital and traditional film mediums. Students learned how to shoot 35mm black and white film with manual SLR cameras and make enlargements from their film in our photo lab. They also had the opportunity to make studio-lit portraits, which they processed using Adobe Photoshop to make inkjet prints of their photos. They even mixed film and digital photography both by making cyanotypes using negatives printed digitally from their own images, as well as by using botanicals and expired photo paper to make lumen prints in the sun during class.

To end all of our teen camps, on the final day we pin the students’ work on the wall and invite their families for a critique session to reflect on what they learned and the challenges they faced while creating their art.

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Member Portfolio Sharing

Last Saturday morning we held another Portfolio Sharing Event at the Art Intersection galleries! During this mid-day event members receive feedback from the public and answer questions about their artwork and upcoming projects. If you are not already a member of the Art Intersection community you can sign up online here.

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PhotoTapas — Celebrating Photography in Ryan Gallery

We were happy to be hosting another PhotoTapas event in Ryan Gallery this weekend, featuring a series of guest speakers in Ryan Gallery.

After some coffee and donuts bright and early Saturday morning, the day began with a lecture from Scott Baxter about his The Gather exhibition at Scottsdale Museum of the West, and the relationships he has formed with the ranchers featured in the show.

Kerrick James spoke with us about monochrome infrared photography using digital camera bodies that have been modified

Alan Fitzgerald gave a crash-course on how to prepare your digital images to make contact prints in the darkroom, and students were able to see examples of prints made using digital negative transparencies!

Gina Santi spoke about the cultural contexts and traditions to consider when traveling the world and photographing the people you meet!

Brent Bond shared examples of photographic books and portfolios using letterpress-printed colophons and covers.

Geoff Reed shared his journey self-publishing his photography.

We ended the day in the lab with Spanish tapas-inspired food and a wine tasting with Garage East’s Brian Ruffentine, where he spoke about the varietals of Arizona wines produced in our own backyard!

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No Strangers & Beyond My Lens Opening Reception

Over thirty members showed their work in this year’s No Strangers exhibition, and over one-hundred visitors joined us for the opening reception to see the art made by our member community.

Every year Art Intersection puts out a call for work to our Sponsor level and above members to have their work curated into the No Strangers exhibition. This year there are well over one-hundred pieces of art decorating the gallery walls!

Before the opening Timothy McCoy held a talk about his work currently in Ryan Gallery, Beyond My Lens. Timothy’s work has been seen in several past Light Sensitive exhibitions at Art Intersection, and Beyond My Lens features selections from his Tongues to Stone, Long Long Journey, Sanctuary, The Water Course Way, and Street Life bodies of work.

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Little by Little 2022 Opening Reception

Thank you to all who attended our opening reception for this year’s Little by Little exhibition! These small artworks invite the viewer to look closer, and can wonderful holiday gifts for the season.

You can view the full Little by Little exhibition online here, and if you are interested in purchasing any of the pieces, just give us a call during our business hours or send us a message at!

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