Little by Little Opening Reception
It was wonderful to see everyone at the Little by Little opening reception this past Saturday!
Here are some images from that evening!
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It was wonderful to see everyone at the Little by Little opening reception this past Saturday!
Here are some images from that evening!
Thank you to everyone who joined us at Art Intersection for this year’s Light Sensitive opening reception! It was wonderful to see a lot of the artists and their amazing creativity using traditional photographic processes.
Here are some moments from the reception!
This year marks our tenth All Art Arizona exhibition featuring artwork made by Arizona residents, who were invited to bring friends and family along to admire work sculpture, photography, painting, ceramics, wood, printmaking, mixed media, artist books, and much more.
Take a look at some images from that evening!
We had a nice opening reception for this year’s No Strangers exhibition. With many in our community vaccinated, this is hopefully the last time for everyone to wear masks.
Thirty-two members have their work on display in No Strangers and we had the chance to meetup with most of them during the opening reception. It sure feels good to once again shake hands and meet in person.
Neil and Audrey talking about Neil’s new work. Audrey’s work was next to Neil’s and her book is on a pedestal.
Fred’s showed a variety of his beautiful gelatin silver prints.
Here’s Shari in front of her Suminagoshi on Hosho paper is a reflection on a friend’s life as a testimony to the power of relationships.
Chuck works in a variety of mediums and for the member show he entered photographs printed on metal.
What a fun weekend workshop to create imagery using simple to advanced encaustic techniques. In this 2-day workshop students made photo transfers on sample boards, using seven different types of printed surfaces, three methods of transferring, and six different ways of “sealing in” the transfers.
This collaborative exhibition by Kate Breakey and Brett Starr brings into view images inspired by the skies at night, through a telescope, during the day, and at sunset.
You can see an interview with Kate and Brett discussing this exhibition here.
Diana Bloomfield led another successful tri-color gum printing workshop this May. Even though we wore masks, it was still great to be out with a group of artists making amazing gum prints.
While we were unable to have an opening reception for Americanicity, here are some installation images from the exhibition and a link to the interview with Linda Zimmerman.
Hear Linda describe John Zimmerman’s work and background about growing up with John.