Tag Archives: photography

Street Photography 2024 Workshop Gallery

In October Neil A. Miller led a street photography workshop titled Capturing the Unexpected. Five photographers worked over three weeks to create and curate their images for presentation in the workshop.

Photographers in the workshop

  • Beverly Klemme
  • Catherine Laurent
  • Gina Santi
  • Holly Metz
  • Monica McLean

Neil A. Miller

An American photographer, Neil A. Miller, captures the many fleeting aspects of the world around us. Neil’s first photographic work on the street was in Cleveland, Ohio during the early 1960’s. It was a challenge to go from pictorial/portrait type photography to candid street photography. Working with a Rolleiflex 3.5f and a Leica M2 the results created a passion in him that has continued to this day. 

In the 1970’s he spent time with Garry Winogrand and W. Eugene Smith while assisting at the Ansel Adams and Friends of Photography Workshops. His background includes time as a US Navy Photographer, a 15 year teaching career along with a 39 year career as a news photographer for Channel 10 in Phoenix. Since retiring, Neil continues his devotion to the photographic arts and most specifically to photographing on the street.

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Light Sensitive

Art Intersection presents Light Sensitive, our thirteenth, international juried exhibition of images created using traditional darkroom, historical, and alternative photographic processes and methods. This year we are honored to have photographer and alternative photography process artisan Kerik Kouklis jury the submitted work.

As we have seen technology trends continue to popularize digital photography on our computer displays, Light Sensitive highlights art from artists working in traditional and historical printing processes.

Light Sensitive seeks to celebrate, promote, and reaffirm the art of handcrafted prints that uniquely belong to the tradition of light sensitive creative processes. Each year we are in search for work that represents creativity, passion, and displays the beauty of these light sensitive processes.

Banner Images by Gary Baker, Jennifer Spencer, Mark Sawyer

About the Juror

Kerik Kouklis is a fine art photographer, filmmaker, and educator who specializes in creating handmade photographs and documentary films. Born and raised in California with a background in music and a 30-year career as an environmental geologist under his belt, Kerik combines a contemporary eye with 19th-century processes to produce work that is uniquely his own. Influenced by the pictorialists of the early 20th century, he makes images that can be at once calm and unsettling. Working in a variety of formats from small digital cameras up to large view cameras, Kerik uses both film and digital negatives to create his prints. Kerik’s website.

Juror Awards

With a field of around seventy fine art prints and imagery in Light Sensitive selecting the artwork to award became very challenging. After several rounds of evaluating the highly competent and artful work over the course of the exhibition the following choices were made from all of the traditional and alternative process prints in Light Sensitive

First – Marita Gootee, Lost Future, PH Encaustic Lumen Print with Mixed Media
Second – Ryan Zoghlin, Squadrons (Edition 1 of 3), Cyanotype on Glass, Mounted on Aluminum Sheet
Third – Kent Corbin, Saguaro #2 (Edition 2 of 2), Palladium Quadriptych
Juror’s Choice – Tony Celentano & Ofelia Zepeda, Crosses, Matches, and Aluminum Foil, Carbon Transfer Prints in Handmade Book

Honorable Mentions
Gary Baker, Polychrome Twilight Epiphyllum, Heliochrome Carbon Transfer
Scott T. Baxter, William Faulk, Denton, Montana (Edition 1 of 7), Platinum/Palladium
Kevin Black, A New Dawn, Kallitype on Washi Paper, Gilded
Kaden Bard Dawson, Do You Feel Safe?, Cyanotype Mixed Media
Susan V. James, Redtail (Edition 9 of 20), Hand-Colored Copperplate Photogravure
Gene Laford, Maxwell is Cast as Cyrano de Bergerac in the Theater Guild Production of Gone with the Wind, Wet Plate Collodion
Annie Lopez, Dear Arizona, Cyanotype on Tamale Wrapper Paper, Thread, Instant Film Image
Marek Matusz, Antelope Canyon No. 5, Direct Carbon Print 
Mark Sawyer, The Fairy Circle, Tintype

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No Strangers Member Exhibition

This thirteenth annual No Strangers exhibition once again celebrates the diverse range of artwork created by Art Intersection members. This annual exhibition showcases the creative energy from the vision and talent of our members.

Each year we appreciate the ongoing work and diversity of artistry demonstrated by the community which participates with Art Intersection. The title No Strangers always reminds me, even though we think and create independently, through the common thread of art we all connect and rise above the noise in the world.

“Over the thirteen years since the beginning of Art Intersection I have been honored with the opportunity to know and to work with our members. I thank every one of our members that keep us connected as the Art Intersection community”, Alan Fitzgerald

Memberships support Art Intersection, and through our membership program we strive to create an engaging atmosphere for creativity, networking, sharing work, and learning from each other. From a range of membership levels including Student, Friend, Sponsor, Patron and Collector, you can find the membership that works best for you!

Image by Terry Schmidbauer

Advanced Digital Printing Workshop with Richard Jackson

Last weekend, we had the pleasure of hosting our Advanced Digital Printing workshop with Richard Jackson!

During this intensive class, students identified their vision and intention of their images, then through deconstruction of the images,  translated from the computer screen to dimensional prints on paper.  Three days of editing and test prints to create a collection of final prints. 

Topics covered also included lighting, color space and gamut, rendering intention, paper selections, and working with commercial print labs. 

Take a peek behind the scenes of the workshop and watch as the class perfected their images in Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom, working to produce extraordinary prints and bring their creative visions to life on paper.



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Exploring Photography for Teens – June

In this workshop teen students explore the fundamentals and foundations of photography with fun photo projects every day!

Students will gain an overview of photographic techniques from digital capture and printing to using black and white film in the darkroom and historical processes. 

Using both digital and film cameras, students receive on loan a 35mm film camera and a roll of film to explore 20th century film photography in the darkroom, experiment with hand-coated alternative photographic methods, and use the lighting studio to experiment with strobes and continuous lighting.

Each student will leave with a collection of their artwork made during camp and be featured in an online exhibition at artintersection.com.

Students are welcome to bring their own cell phone/digital camera and film cameras OR use cameras provided by Art Intersection.

Teen Photography

Enroll in the Art Intersection Teen Photography Workshop

"*" indicates required fields

Parent or Guardian? * Required
Are you the Parent or Guardian for the enrolling student?
Name of Parent or Guardian * Required
Student's Name * Required
Student's Birthdate * Required
Student must be at least 13
Address * Required
Email * Required
Parent or Guardian contact email
Parent or Guardian contact phone
Please add any information that will help us to make this a positive experience for your student in our Teen Photography program.
Would you like to be added to our email list?


Refund Policy
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Honoring Martin Luther King Jr. Opening Reception at Gallery 4

This past Saturday marked the opening day for our Honoring Martin Luther King Jr. exhibition, featuring archival photographs from Dan Budnik chronicling the Selma-Montgomery March, the March on Washington D.C., and the Voting Rights Act; and Susan Berger’s images of streets throughout the United States named in honor of Martin Luther King.

Copies of Susan’s book, “Life and Soul – American Streets Honoring Martin Luther King” are available, as well as a small number of signed copies of Dan’s book, “Marching to the Freedom Dream.” If you are interested in a copy of either, please send us an email at info@artintersection.com.

You can view the exhibition in Gallery 4 at HD South.

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Call for Work – Little by Little in Gallery 4

Little by Little, an exhibition of small artworks will present a wide variety of art expressed in a size no more than twelve-inches (12″ x 12″ x 12″) in any dimension. Amazingly beautiful and impactful small works of art presented in a dedicated exhibition that pulls you in for a closer look!

This year Little by Little will exhibit at HD South in the Gallery 4.

Our juror will select strong works of art in all media, including painting, drawing, sculpture, textile, photography, printmaking, metals, wood, digital media, and more, all presented perfectly in this intimate twelve-inch small format. 

Banner artworks (left to right) from Little by Little 2022
by Anita Ries, Tim Schilens, Robert Flores, Mary Delmege, Beth Shook

Important Exhibit Dates

  • October 18: Online submissions due by midnight Arizona MST
  • October 25: Email notification of artists selected for exhibition
  • November 10: Deliver selected ready to install work
  • November 25: Opening reception 6pm to 8pm
  • November 24 through December 26: Exhibition dates
  • January 3 – 20: Pick up work and return shipping begins

Please carefully read the instructions and terms below, the Submission form and Payment link are at the bottom of this page. 

Instructions and Terms for Submission

– Artists must be at least 18 years old
– The works submitted must be the sole and original creation of the exhibiting artist(s)
– Submission of collaborative work is encouraged
– Works previously exhibited at Art Intersection are not eligible for submission

Submission Fee
– $30 for up to three works and you may submit additional works for $10 each
– There is no limit to the number of submissions you may make
– All fees must be paid before submissions are accepted

Acceptable Work
– Work accepted for review can be any visual media, 2 or 3-dimensional
– Final presentation size must 12-inches or less in all dimensions, including all framing
– Two-dimensional work must be ready to hang
– Three-dimensional work must be free standing or include a stand/pedestal
   – We have some pedestals available

Required Information
– Legal Name / Artist Name / Address / Phone / eMail
– Bio / Artist Statement
– Artwork Title / Date Created / Medium / Retail Price
– JPEG images sized on the short side to 5-inches at 300dpi and less than 2 Mbytes

Delivery of Work
– You may deliver work in person, or ship the work in a reusable container
– Work that does not arrive by the deadline may not be included in the show
– All shipping, return shipping, handling, and packaging expenses are your responsibility

Return of Work
– You or a representative may pick up work that is not sold
– Art Intersection can return ship work at your expense
– Art Intersection is not responsible for packaging materials, handling, or shipping expenses
– Work unclaimed for more than 21 days after the shipping date will be considered abandoned

– You are responsible for professional presentation and all work must be ready to install upon delivery
– Any work not ready for installation may not be included in the exhibition, at our discretion
– No digital signatures of any kind on artwork will be accepted

Retail Price of Work
All work must be for sale and the retail price must be under $500
– The split of the artwork price is 60% to the Artist and 40% to Art Intersection
– Discounts up to 10% may be offered to buyers at the discretion of Art Intersection
– You must provide a tax ID/SSN or W9 if sales commission to you equals $600 or more

– All work must be labeled with Artist name and Title

– Art Intersection is not responsible for the loss or damage of works while in transit
– All work will be insured by Art Intersection from delivery to last pickup / shipping date

Art Intersection Reserves the Right to Use Images of Submitted Work
– Social media marketing
– On our website
– In our printed marketing materials
– Other materials used for promotion

– The Artist retains ownership and copyright of all submitted work
– Upon sale of work only the ownership of the work transfers to the buyer

– Submission of your Application indicates acceptance of all terms and conditions of this exhibition requirements stated above

Little by Little Submission Fee


Little by Little 2023

Submit your work for Little by Little

"*" indicates required fields

Exhibition Terms and Conditions

Please read the terms and conditions to understand our relationship with you for accepting, exhibiting, selling, and returning Work.
Acceptance of the Exhibition Terms and Conditions * Required

Contact Information

This information will be used to contact you.
Name * Required
Submitter's name
Contact Address * Required
This mailing address will be used to contact you and to send remittence if your Work sells.
Email * Required
This is the primary email for communication.
This is the primary phone number for communication.
This is an alternative phone number for communication.

Artist and Process Information

Artist name * Required
This is the full name of artist on the Title Card which is placed next to the artwork.
Write a brief Artist Biography about the Works. This information may be published on the website or in print during the exhibition. Maximum characters 1,200.
Write a brief Artist Statement about the Works. This information may be published on the website or in print during the exhibition. Maximum characters 1,200.

Work 1 Submission

Enter the Title of the Work. Example: Wild Horse
Enter the Medium. Example: Gelatin Silver, Mixed Media, Acrylic, Ceramic, Oil, Digital, etc.
The Year, YYYY, that the work was created. Example: 2015.
Sales price in US$. Cannot exceed $500.
* Size the JPEG images to 1500 pixels or 5-inches at 300dpi on the short side.
* Set the Jpeg quality for file size of 2MB or less. In Photoshop, set the file quality to 8.
* File naming: "Last Name_First Name_#.jpg".
* Use the Artist's Last and First name and the number that corresponds to the Work number you are uploading.
* For example: Smith_John_1.jpg
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, Max. file size: 2 MB.
Maximum file size - 2 mega bytes.

Work 2 Submission

Enter the Title of the Work. Example: Wild Horse (2/15)
Enter the Medium. Example: Gelatin Silver, Mixed Media, Acrylic, Ceramic, Oil, Digital, etc.
The Year, YYYY, the work was created. Example: 2011.
Sales price in US$. Cannot exceed $500.
* Size the JPEG images to 1500 pixels or 5-inches at 300dpi on the short side.
* Set the Jpeg quality for file size of 2MB or less. In Photoshop, set the file quality to 8.
* File naming: "Last Name_First Name_#.jpg".
* Use the Artist's Last and First name and the number that corresponds to the Work number you are uploading.
* For example: Smith_John_2.jpg
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, Max. file size: 2 MB.
Maximum file size - 2 mega bytes.

Work 3 Submission

Enter the Title of the Work. Example: Wild Horse
Enter the Medium. Example: Gelatin Silver, Mixed Media, Acrylic, Ceramic, Oil, Digital, etc.
The Year, YYYY, the work was created. Example: 2011.
Sales price in US$. Price includes final presentation/framing unless otherwise noted. Example: $500.
* Size the JPEG images to 1500 pixels or 5-inches at 300dpi on the short side.
* Set the Jpeg quality for file size of 2MB or less. In Photoshop, set the file quality to 8.
* File naming: "Last Name_First Name_#.jpg".
* Use the Artist's Last and First name and the number that corresponds to the Work number you are uploading.
* For example: Smith_John_3.jpg
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, Max. file size: 2 MB.
Maximum file size - 2 mega bytes.

Work 4 Submission

Enter the Title of the Work. Example: Wild Horse
Enter the Medium. Example: Gelatin Silver, Mixed Media, Acrylic, Ceramic, Oil, Digital, etc.
The Year, YYYY, the original work was created. Example: 2011.
Sales price in US$. Price includes final presentation/framing unless otherwise noted. Example: $500.
* Size the JPEG images to 1500 pixels or 5-inches at 300dpi on the short side.
* Set the Jpeg quality for file size of 2MB or less. In Photoshop, set the file quality to 8.
* File naming: "Last Name_First Name_#.jpg".
* Use the Artist's Last and First name and the number that corresponds to the Work number you are uploading.
* For example: Smith_John_4.jpg
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, Max. file size: 2 MB.
Maximum file size - 2 mega bytes.

Work 5 Submission

Enter the Title of the Work. Example: Wild Horse
Enter the Medium. Example: Gelatin Silver, Mixed Media, Acrylic, Ceramic, Oil, Digital, etc.
The Year, YYYY, the original work was created. Example: 2011.
Sales price in US$. Price includes final presentation/framing unless otherwise noted. Example: $500.
* Size the JPEG images to 1500 pixels or 5-inches at 300dpi on the short side.
* Set the Jpeg quality for file size of 2MB or less. In Photoshop, set the file quality to 8.
* File naming: "Last Name_First Name_#.jpg".
* Use the Artist's Last and First name and the number that corresponds to the Work number you are uploading.
* For example: Smith_John_5.jpg
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, Max. file size: 2 MB.
Maximum file size - 2 mega bytes.

Work 6 Submission

Enter the Title of the Work. Example: Wild Horse
Enter the Medium. Example: Gelatin Silver, Mixed Media, Acrylic, Ceramic, Oil, Digital, etc.
The Year, YYYY, the original work was created. Example: 2011.
Sales price in US$. Price includes final presentation/framing unless otherwise noted. Example: $500.
* Size the JPEG images to 1500 pixels or 5-inches at 300dpi on the short side.
* Set the Jpeg quality for file size of 2MB or less. In Photoshop, set the file quality to 8.
* File naming: "Last Name_First Name_#.jpg".
* Use the Artist's Last and First name and the number that corresponds to the Work number you are uploading.
* For example: Smith_John_6.jpg
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, Max. file size: 2 MB.
Maximum file size - 2 mega bytes.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Call for Work – Picturing Resistance

Extended Submission Date to Tuesday, July 4th

Submit your images taken from marches, protests, rallies, and demonstrations, whether you are in solidarity with the marchers or documenting their voices. Your images should show people, in the public view, voicing their passion for change. This Picturing Resistance exhibition in Gallery 4 gives your photographs visibility and exposes the energy you captured.

There are no timeframe restrictions for photographs, only that you are the photographer or you own the copyright to an historical image from your collection. We wish to present the landscape of people engaged in the act of creating change by exercising their right to be noisy.

Let us know if you need help printing and framing images for this exhibition, we can support you through our photo arts lab.

Our juror, Ken Light, photographer, author, and a Reva and David Logan Professor of Photojournalism at the University of California, Berkeley, will select from submitted images.

Melanie Light and Ken Light’s book, Picturing Resistance, serves as the inspiration for this juried exhibition, and a must own book for anyone interested in social justice movements in the past seven decades. 

About the Juror
Ken Light, a freelance documentary photographer for over fifty years, focuses on social issues facing America. A recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship, his work has been published in twelve books, in magazines, exhibitions and numerous anthologies, exhibition catalogues and a variety of media, digital and motion picture.

Important Picturing Resistance Exhibition Dates

  • July 4: Online submissions due by midnight Arizona time
  • July 7: Email notification of artists selected for exhibition
  • July 29: Deliver selected work ready to install
  • August 12: Opening reception 5pm to 8pm
  • August 12 through September 30: Exhibition dates
  • October 4: Work available for pickup 
  • October 11: Work shipping begins 

Banner image by Bruce Charles

Step One: Read the Submission Guidelines


Step Two: Read the Exhibition Agreement


Step Three: Complete the Submission Form
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Exploring Photography for Teens – June Session

In this workshop teen students explore the fundamentals and foundations of photography with fun photo projects every day!

Students will gain an overview of photographic techniques from digital capture and printing to using black and white film in the darkroom and historical processes. 

Using both digital and film cameras, students receive on loan a 35mm film camera and a roll of film to explore 20th century film photography in the darkroom, experiment with hand-coated alternative photographic methods, and use the lighting studio to experiment with strobes and continuous lighting.

Each student will leave with a collection of their artwork made during camp and be featured in an online exhibition at artintersection.com.

Students are welcome to bring their own cell phone/digital camera and film cameras OR use cameras provided by Art Intersection.

Teen Photography

Enroll in the Art Intersection Teen Photography Workshop

"*" indicates required fields

Parent or Guardian? * Required
Are you the Parent or Guardian for the enrolling student?
Name of Parent or Guardian * Required
Student's Name * Required
Student's Birthdate * Required
Student must be at least 13
Address * Required
Email * Required
Parent or Guardian contact email
Parent or Guardian contact phone
Please add any information that will help us to make this a positive experience for your student in our Teen Photography program.
Would you like to be added to our email list?


Refund Policy
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