Mark Lipczynski



Artist Statement

Photography is deeply meaningful to me for understanding the world because it changes so fast, it’s nice to stop for a fraction of a second to take it all in before moving on. I like to examine all ways of life through my pictures to help me gain perspective and appreciation. The camera acts as a sort of protective cloak that gives me confidence to explore my subjects, opening up to them as much as they want to open up to me.


Mark is a full-time portrait, travel and lifestyle photographer. He works on-location for local and national agencies, brands and magazines, shooting editorial and commercial photography. Mark moved to Arizona from Ohio in 2003. He studied photojournalism at the University of Maine, Orono and worked for several newspapers, including The Arizona Republic, before going out on his own in 2008. He runs Bite magazine (, an online food blog, with his wife Michelle Jacoby.

Mark Lipczynski
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