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Images from the 2015 Summer Teen Camps
Art Intersection is proud to present a selection of artwork made by young photographers during our Summer 2015 youth photography programs.
Our teens did an amazing job learning about multiple forms of photography in both digital and darkroom techniques.
The quality of work each student accomplished was amazing in both contemporary and traditional photography. In our Exploring Photography camp, teens learned to make both digital and darkroom prints, while also heightening their shooting skills using SLR cameras.
Our Advanced Photography students practiced their darkroom and digital skills as well, while also learning about 4Ă—5 view cameras and toning.
Teens that participated in our Photo Portfolio Building camp learned about professional presentation while putting together a cohesive body of work.
We are proud of the work our 2015 teen camp students created!
To learn more about our 2016 summer teen camps, click here.